Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Few Random Shots

I was cleaning off my desktop (because that's what I do when it's 2am and I don't have the energy to be productive and the sense to just suck it up and go to bed) and found these images lying around. Instead of keeping them there, I've uploaded a few random shots. Enjoy!
These three are from a while ago, in Half Moon Bay. I just loved these little cactus flowers and they looked so pretty in the fog. (:

I picked my dog up from "doggy camp" this summer and just couldn't resist these awesome... weeds. How western outback do they look!?

My Dad and I spend the day in Golden Gate Park over the summer. These shots are from the rose garden, which is seriously one of my favorite places in the entire world. Who knew there were so many perfect flowers!?

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