Thursday, March 25, 2010

Berkeley, Courtesy of a Daily Cal Adventure (:

Images from a month or so ago during Daily Cal training day. This is the result of plenty of training, photo style. Ha ha, just kidding. Well, if that's even a joke. Aiyyy. I need to go to bed. (: 
I kind of feel like saying that this whole adventure was photo editor Anne Marie Schuler's idea. It was, and it was very fun and very cool (see below for proof), but I also like the idea that next time she Googles herself, this will come up. (I say this because she messaged me the other day saying that another post I put her name in came up on her browser when she Googled herself... ha ha, oh dear. )
In other news, I discovered how to create new Actions on Photoshop so that I can "logo" and resize images for the blog all in one push of a button. Let me just say one word: REVOLUTIONARY. My life has been streamlined and I'm loving it. I plan on saving all the time and spending it on muuuuch better things. Expect more photos now because it will be just SO EASY to share. Seriously. (: 

When you first take photography they teach you that flowers are boring subjects. But something about flowers still makes my heart beat. And so I will continue to photograph them. 
Oh black and white. You are always striking. 

I don't know why they left their shoes here... but I like how it looks. Ha ha. (:

Leave comment love. It makes me feel... loved. ha ha. (:


  1. i especially love that first photo!

  2. And I love the last one :)

    Thanks for the comment on my blog.

    Sue's Daily Photography

  3. hey simone....

    how's u????
    i love the one with shoes....great pics....

    and oh....i have been looking to create tht action to resize and add the logo/signature for a while ther a way u could send me that action template r sumtin???? i run PS3 on a windows... ;-)

    thanks again and great pics....

  4. I love taking a day to just take pictures. Looks like you had fun. :) Love the last one of the windows. :D

  5. Thanks for the comments/love everybody! :D

    @Karthik, in all honesty I have absolutely NO idea how to send an action. :/ It's just not in my computer vocabulary as of yet. BUT (!!!) it's really really really easy to make an action; just google how to! I look forward to seeing some of your images on your blog! :)

  6. Gorgeous. I love the black and white image of the building. You are amazing.

    p.s. Be sure to enter my Peruvian Feather Earring GIVEAWAY at




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